Paramedic Services Week

Image: Paramedic Services Week

Enhancing care - changing lives

Happy Paramedic Services Week!

This week we celebrate the outstanding paramedics at Spectrum Patient Services and Spectrum Event Medical Services. Surveys have shown that paramedics are some of the most trusted health care professionals, and we are very thankful for all the support they provide our clients and community.

To celebrate Paramedic Services Week, we are sharing safety tips and fact sheets on a variety of different health topics. Check out these resources to help keep yourself and those around you safe from common injuries and accidents:

From Paramedic Chiefs of Canada:

  • Heat related illness – as temperatures warm up, use this resource to help keep you safe from heat stroke and exhaustion
  • Burns and scalds – learn about prevention and first aid for burns
  • Bicycle helmet safety- head injuries are a leading cause of serious injuries, use these tips to find the right helmet for you

Throughout the week, there are a variety of events and activities that you can join across the country to celebrate Paramedic Services Week. Remember to take the time this week to thank paramedics who have helped you or your loved ones. Show your appreciation to the dedicated paramedics who support our communities!

If you’re on social media, be sure to follow the hashtag #psweek2016 to share any other safety resources you have.